miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Reflexive Pronouns

- When the subject and object in a sentence are the same person.

- As direct objects: I see myself in the mirror.
- As indirect objects: I taught myself to play the guitar.
- For emphasis: I built this bookcase myself.

Myself - Yo mismo / Me / A mí.
Yourself - Tú mismo / Te / A ti.
Himself - Él mismo / Se / A él.
Herself - Ella misma / Se / A ella.
Itself - Ello mismo / Se / A ello.
Ourselves - Nosotros mismos / Nos / A nosotros.
Yourselves - Vosotros mismos / Se / A vosotros.
Themselves - Ellos mismos / Se / A ellos.

Links to exercises:
Reflexive pronouns 1
Reflexive pronouns 2

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