martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Here you have the answers for the 5th part of the FCE exam. Remember to pay attention to the whole text. You will find here the correct choice and a little explanation. Try to find these sentences in the text which will help you understand why it is the correct option.
If you still have any doubt please, write a comment and I will help you.

1   C The difference in attitudes to technology between two generations.
"For me and my friends, this is a completely natural course of action, but it totally astonished my grandfather"

2   B It had an element of truth in it.
"but afterwards, it made me think about how much I depend on technology"
"But whereas she was thinking our grandfather was just being a typical 65-year-old, I could see his point"

3   C She appreciates the fact that people can still study in libraries if they want to.
"We still have walk-in libraries available to us, and I can see why some students choose to find and use resourves in these distraction-free locations."

4   C A heavier workload is created for teaching staff at the university.
"While this puts an extra strain on the university's academic support team, who usually have to answer the queries as they come in, ..."

5   A to express an opinion.

6   D They are behaving in a similar way to previous generations of students.
"In actual fact, students are doing what they've always done..."

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