miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

SOLUTIONS FCE Listening Test 2

How was listening this round?
Let's see the solutions. You will read the "key sentence" in which you will find the info needed to choose the correct answer. Try to listen again the recording to find the mistakes. If you have any doubt please write a comment and I will help.

1 C
" the salaries they were offering weren't that good. A friend pointed out I'd get an extra twenty per cent for night shifts"

2 B
"it's not the same if you have to stay awake all the time whether you feel like it or not"

3 B
"They all have long working days and don't tend to go out much during the week, so we wouldn't be meeting up anyway"

4 A
"I also keep myself pretty fit, which is easier and a lot more pleasant when you have the gym or the pool virtually to yourself"

5 C
" They also indicate a higher risk for staff of having a fall, or - perhaps in my case - having thing fallinf on top of you, at around one or two in the morning. So I do take more care after midnight"

6 C
"When I'm at home I tend to get snacks from the fridge at odd hours of the night pretty much anytime I like. And it's the same when I'm not. I work in a supermarket, remember."

7 B
"shoppers seem to have more time to chat"

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