martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015



1. Stumbling block: the problem point (el punto problemático).
2. To start from scratch: to begin from nothing (empezar de cero).
3. Throw a spanner in the works: caused a difficulty (provocar un problema).
4. Can't get the hang of it: don't know how to make it work (no saber hacerlo funcionar).
5. In a rut: in a dull routine (hacer una rutina).
6. Going round in circles: talking without any progress (darle vueltas al asunto).
7. Caught on the wrong foot: unprepared (desprovistos).
8. Upside down: the wrong way up (del revés).
9. Is in for: is unable to avoid (estar preparado).
10. Scraping the bottom of the barrel: using ideas which are only just of acceptable quality (hacer uso del último recurso).

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