miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019


Exercise 1
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs. Use them only once.

1. I will CALL BACK when you are not so busy.

2. HANG ON a minute, I am not ready.

3. We always COME BACK TO the same point.

4. Please, leave a message and I will GET BACK TO you.

5. She wanted to ask his name, but something HELD her BACK.

6. HOLD ON a moment, please, I will put you through the marketing department.

7. He rang the office and ASKED FOR Martha.

8. The radio station had an open line on which listeners could CALL UP to discuss issues.

9. He asked me to help and I couldn't TURN him DOWN.

10. These are the sort of questions that I will be PUTTING TO the politicians.

11. The essay was full of complex ideas and it was hard to MAKE them OUT.

12. Hi there! How are you? I just wanted to TALK TO you.

13. Have you HEARD anything FROM Oliver since he went to university?

Exercise 2
Replace the underlined phrasal verbs with one from the list with the same meaning.

1. Can we go back to the point you raised earlier?   GET BACK TO

2. I can't work out why he did it.   MAKE OUT

3. I rang Stefan back the following day.   CALL BACK

4. Can you hold on for a minute or two?   HANG ON

5. Can I talk with you about this?   TALK TO

6. You can phone up and speak to an adviser at any time.   CALL UP

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences choosing the correct option.

1. Would you mind holding ON while I call Mr Smith?

2. He is not here at the moment. Can I ask him to call you BACK?

3. I will get BACK to you soon with my decision.

4. The photo is very unclear - I can't make it OUT very well.

5. He asked her to go to the cinema with him but she turned him DOWN.

6. I've got a proposal I would like to put TO you.

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