miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Infinitives Vs Gerund

We use gerunds (verb+ ing):
- After prepositions
- As the subject or object of a sentence
- After certain verbs: enjoy, fancy, discuss, dislike, finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, avoid, miss, appreciate, delay, postpone, practise, consider, can't stand, can't help, risk, admit, deny, mention, imagine, tolerate, understand, involve, complete, report, anticipate, recall.

We use to + infinitive:
- After many adjectives.
- To show purpose
- After certain verbs: agree, ask*, decide, help*, plan, hope, learn, want*, would like*, promise, can afford, manage, prepare*, demand, choose, offer, wait, would hate*, would love*, seem, expect*, intend, pretend, refuse, tend, would prefer*, deserve, appear, arrange, claim.

*We can use an object before the infinitive with these verbs.

We use bare infinitive (without TO):
- After modal verbs
- After "let" and "make" and sometimes "help"
- After some verbs of perception (see, watch, hear, feel, sense)
- After expressions with "why"


Links to exercises:
Infinitive Vs Gerund 1
Infinitive Vs Gerund 2
Infinitive Vs Gerund 3

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