viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Topics for an oral exam: HOLIDAYS


1. What is your favourite holiday? Has it changed since you were a kid?
2. On what holiday do people in your country eat a lot of food?
3. Do you give presents on any holidays?
4. What foreign holidays do you know about?
5. What is the strangest holiday or festival you have heard of?
6. Do you think that all countries have similar holidays?
7. Talk about your best memory from a holiday.
8. What would be your dreamy holidays?
9. Are there any holidays that you really don't like?
10. Do you think your country should have more or less holidays? Why?
11. Does your country have parades during holidays? Have you ever been to a parade?
12. What is the most important holiday?
13. Do you prefer going on holidays alone or with your family?
14. What is the best way for you to go on holidays?
15. What kind of living space do you prefer on holidays?

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