viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019

FCE Reading PART 6

This is the second part of the reading test for the FCE level. In this part of the exam you have to read a text and fill in the gaps with the sentences given. There are 6 gaps and 7 possible answers. Only one is correct for each gap. There is one extra letter you do not need to use. Use the letters only once.
Pay attention to the text. Tomorrow you will find here the answers. Good luck!

Here you have the options:

A  These provide the familiarity and consistency essential for the blind runner.

B Their support gave him extra confidence regarding his changing surroundings.

C Simon believes the feeling of liberation and independece he gets from running solo far overweigh any anxiety over such dangers.

D He began by training on football pitches behind his house, running between the goalposts.

E It gives him a great opportunity to run with everyone.

F That's not to say the learning curve has been without incidents.

G As a result of this slow experimentation, he was able to memorise a set five-kilometre course.

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