viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

SOLUTIONS FCE Listening Test

How did you find the task of listening?
Let's see the solutions. You will read the "key sentence" in which you will find the info needed to choose the correct answer. Try to listen again the recording to find the mistakes. If you have any doubt please write a comment and I will help.

1 C
" there's potentially sufficient straw for a million new homes every year"

2 A
"the bricks are in order to resemble the style of housing already in place on the streert where they were built"

3 B
"people assumed that was a risk, whereas in fact, it's an advantage. The carbon produced during the growing process is locked away in the straw"

4 A
"One day I read about a woman in the USA who built her own house out of straw. I thought the idea of straw houses could potentially go down really well"

5 B
" I'm a qualified carpenter and on almost every house I build now, I work alongside the roofers."

6 C
"my current focus is on making sure I employ only architects who produce plans thar are completely straightforward"

7 C
"my intention is to pass on the skills I've learned to other house-builders, so that they adopt this style of house-building.

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019

FCE Listening Test

Let's try today a LISTENING. This is for the FCE (B2) level. 

The task is about an audio and you have 7 questions with multiple choice for you to choose the correct answer. Pay attention to the listening and take notes if you need it. The questions are in order (don't panic). You can hear the recording TWICE. Please, play the record now. It will give you 1 minute to read the questions. 
Tomorrow you will find the answers. Good luck!

You will hear an interview with a professor called Martin Hart and a housebuilder called Anna Peterson, who are talking about houses made out of blocks of straw. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1   What does Martin Hart say about using straw in the construction of houses?
     A  Large amounts of straw are currently wasted every year.
     B  The straw used it not good enough quality to give animals.
     C  Enough straw can be produced to build a high number of houses.

2   When developing the technology for building straw houses, Martin added bricks to the outside because
     A  this meant the houses fitted with the surroundings.
     B  this helped to keep heat inside the houses.
     C  this made the walls of the houses much straighter.

3   What objection did Martin receive about the straw houses his team built?
     A  There were concerns about what would happen in a fire.
     B  People were worried about the carbon dioxide in the walls.
     C  The walls would not be able to support the weight of the building.

4   Anna Peterson decided to build a straw house for the first time because
     A  she thought they would become very popular.
     B  she was curious to experiment with new materials.
     C  she had clients who expressed an interest in straw houses.

5   When describing her current role in straw house projects, Anna explains that
     A  she works mainly with the site supervisors.
     B  she often assists with constructing the roof.
     C  she personally leads the team of carpenters.

6   The most important consideration for Anna in all her projects now is to
     A  choose natural materials.
     B  create unique homes.
     C  use simple designs.

7   When talking about the future, Anna expresses her desire to
     A  win an award for her work in building straw houses.
     B  carry out her plan for building straw houses at a reduced cost.
     C  teach others the techniques of building straw houses.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019


Here you have the answers for the 5th part of the FCE exam. Remember to pay attention to the whole text. You will find here the correct choice and a little explanation. Try to find these sentences in the text which will help you understand why it is the correct option.
If you still have any doubt please, write a comment and I will help you.

1   C The difference in attitudes to technology between two generations.
"For me and my friends, this is a completely natural course of action, but it totally astonished my grandfather"

2   B It had an element of truth in it.
"but afterwards, it made me think about how much I depend on technology"
"But whereas she was thinking our grandfather was just being a typical 65-year-old, I could see his point"

3   C She appreciates the fact that people can still study in libraries if they want to.
"We still have walk-in libraries available to us, and I can see why some students choose to find and use resourves in these distraction-free locations."

4   C A heavier workload is created for teaching staff at the university.
"While this puts an extra strain on the university's academic support team, who usually have to answer the queries as they come in, ..."

5   A to express an opinion.

6   D They are behaving in a similar way to previous generations of students.
"In actual fact, students are doing what they've always done..."

FCE Reading PART 5

This is the first part of the reading test for the FCE level. In this part of the exam you have to read a text and answer 6 questions about it. It is multiple choice so you will have four options to choose the correct answer for the question.
Pay attention to the text. Tomorrow you will find here the answers. Good luck!

1   What does the writer illustrate by describing the incident in the car?
     A  the older generation's frustation at people's dependence of technology.
     B  how unaware young people are of some effects of technology.
     C  the difference in attitudes to technology between two generations.
     D  how techonology helps different generations communicate.

2   What did the writer think of her grandfather's comment, mentioned in the 2nd paragraph?
     A  It showed how out-of-date he was.
     B  It had an element of truth in it.
     C It was an annoying thing to say.
     D  It made her feel sorry for him.

3   What does the writer say about getting study resources from libraries?
     A  She considers libraries more preferable places for study than home.
     B  She cannot understand why anyone chooses to go to a library now.
     C  She appreciates the fact that people can still study in libraries if they want to.
     D  She thinks libraries are limited by the quantity of resources they can store.

4   What disadvantage of new technology does the writer mention in the third paragraph?
     A  Those who can afford the best gadgets gains an unfair advantage.
     B  Sometimes slow internet connections make communication difficult.
     C  A heavier workload is created for teaching staff at the university.
     D  Students cannot escape from dealing with university issues.

5   What is the purpose of the question "Why shouldn't they be?" in the 4th paragraph?
     A  to express an opinion.
     B  to introduce some problems.
     C  to make a criticism.
     D  to indicate uncertainty.

6   What is the writer's conclusion about students today in the final paragraph?
     A They have such different lives to previous generations that it's unwise to compare them.
     B  They deal better with change than previous generations did.
     C  They take advantage of new resources more quickly than previous generations did.
     D  They are behaving in a similar way to previous generations of students.

sábado, 16 de marzo de 2019


Here you have the solutions for the 4th part of the CAE exam. It could be easier if you cross the words that are already given in the new sentence, so you can focus on what is necessary to say.
Try to think about expressions or phrasal verbs you may need.
Pay attention to the mistakes and if you still have doubts, write a comment and I will help.

1. 'You should stop your children watching so much televison', Mary's sister told her.
Mary's sister advised her NOT TO LET THE CHILDREN WATCH so much television.

2. The local council wants to impose a ban on driving at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in this area.
The local council wants to MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO DRIVE at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in this area.

3. Tom missed his plane because he was late leaving for the airport.
If only TOM HAD LEFT ON TIME for the airport, he wouldn't have missed his plane.

4. The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised.
There needs TO BE THOROUGH REVISION TO the guidelines for the appointment of new staff.

5. The employment rate rose gradually as the economy began to recover.
There WAS A GRADUAL INCREASE the employment rate as the economy began to recover.

6. The change in the company´s logo didn't make any difference to the majority of its customers.
The change in the company's logo WAS OF NO CONSEQUENCE to the majority of its customers.

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

CAE Use of English PART 4

This part of the exam is about TRANSFORMATIONS too. You are required to create a new sentence with the beggining and the end already provided. It is compulsary to use the word given in capital letters and it mustn't be changed. You need to use between three and six words. The new sentence must have same meaning as the original.
Are you ready for a little practise? You will find tomorrow the solutions. Good luck!

1. 'You should stop your children watching so much televison', Mary's sister told her.
Mary's sister advised her ___________________ so much television.

2. The local council wants to impose a ban on driving at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in this area.
The local council wants to ________________ at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in this area.

3. Tom missed his plane because he was late leaving for the airport.
If only ________________ for the airport, he wouldn't have missed his plane.

4. The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised.
There needs ______________ the guidelines for the appointment of new staff.

5. The employment rate rose gradually as the economy began to recover.
There _______________ the employment rate as the economy began to recover.

6. The change in the company´s logo didn't make any difference to the majority of its customers.
The change in the company's logo ____________________ to the majority of its customers.

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019


Here you have the solutions for the 4th part of the FCE exam. It could be easier if you cross the words that are already given in the new sentence, so you can focus on what is necessary to say.
Try to think about expressions or phrasal verbs you may need.
Pay attention to the mistakes and if you still have doubts, write a comment and I will help.

1. She often went abroad on holidays before she got married.
She WOULD GO abroad on holidays before she got married.

2. We tend not to eat much at lunchtime.
We DO NOT USUALLY EAT MUCH at lunchtime.

3. I almost always go out on Saturday night.
I HAVE NOT EVER BEEN at home on Saturday night.

4. The stadium was always full on the day of the cup final.
The stadium USED TO BE full on the day of the cup final.

5. He phones me at work all the time, and I’ve told him not to.
He KEEPS PHONING ME at work and I’ve told him not to.

6. Anna rarely gets less than 70% in her English exam.
It IS RARE FOR ANNA TO get less than 70% in her English exam.

7. I can’t wait to go on holidays
I’m really LOOKING FORWARD TO GOING on holidays.

8. We’ve been back at school for two weeks and I still find it hard to get up early.
We’ve been back at school for two weeks and I’m still NOT USED TO GETTING up early.

9. Rita, can I borrow your dictionary?
Rita, DO YOU MIND BORROWING me your dictionary?

10. It’s impossible for me not to laugh when he starts singing.
I can’t HELP LAUGHING when he starts singing.

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2019

FCE Use of English PART 4

This part of the exam is about TRANSFORMATIONS. You are required to create a new sentence with the beggining and the end already provided. It is compulsary to use the word given in capital letters and it mustn't be changed. You need to use between two and five words. The new sentence must have same meaning as the original.
Are you ready for a little practise? You will find tomorrow the solutions. Good luck!

1. She often went abroad on holidays before she got married.
She ____________________________abroad on holidays before she got married.

2. We tend not to eat much at lunchtime.
We ____________________________ at lunchtime.

3. I almost always go out on Saturday night.
I____________________________at home on Saturday night.

4. The stadium was always full on the day of the cup final.
The stadium ____________________________full on the day of the cup final.

5. He phones me at work all the time, and I’ve told him not to.
He ____________________________ at work and I’ve told him not to.

6. Anna rarely gets less than 70% in her English exam.
It ____________________________get less than 70% in her English exam.

7. I can’t wait to go on holidays
I’m really ____________________________on holidays.

8. We’ve been back at school for two weeks and I still find it hard to get up early.
We’ve been back at school for two weeks and I’m still__________________________up early.

9. Rita, can I borrow your dictionary?
Rita, ____________________________me your dictionary?

10. It’s impossible for me not to laugh when he starts singing.
I can’t ____________________________ when he starts singing.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2019


In this part of the exam you have to be very careful about the words. Remember to pay attention to the sentence and identify the category needed. It is possible that may need both, suffix and prefix so be careful!
Have a look to the posts "WORD FORMATION" if you need help with it. Sorry, there is no rule in using one suffix or other. There are even some irregular formation.

Here you have the answers. If you still need help, write a comment and I will help.

17      favourable / favorable   (the UK spelling / the US spelling)
18      unexpected
19      beginners
20      desperation
21      endanger
22      solution
23      alternatively
24      mountaineer(s)


Remember in this kind of exercises it is used relatives pronouns, auxiliary verbs...
Here you have now the answers. If you still have doubts write a comment and I will help you.

9      anybody / anyone
10    like
11    make
12    for
13    by
14    have / stand
15    up
16    out / on

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019

CAE Use of English PART 3

More about USE OF ENGLISH. Here it is the third exercise.
It consists in one text with gaps and some words on the right side ready for the word formation.
Pay attention to the sentence and try to identify which category of word you need. For example if it is a verb, a noun, an adjective.... Tomorrow you will have the answers.

CAE Use of English PART 2

Continuing with the USE OF ENGLISH here it is the second exercise.
It consists in one text with gaps. You will have to fill in the text with ONE WORD but this time, there are no choices. Remember to pay attention to the whole sentence.
Phrasal verbs, collocations, verb patterns or auxiliary verbs are needed. Tomorrow you will have the answers.