miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Expressions V

1. It's a rip off - Es una estafa.
2. It's high time - Ya va siendo hora.
3. It's on me - Invito yo.
4. It's not a big deal - No es para tanto.
5. It's on the house - Por cuenta de la casa.
6. It's up to you - Depende de ti.
7. It's worthless - No vale nada.
8. Just in case - Por si acaso.
9. Keep an eye on... - Vigila a...
10. Keep dreaming - Sigue soñando.
11. Keep your hair on! - ¡Cálmate!
12. Kind of - Más o menos.
13. Kiss and make up - Borrón y cuenta nueva.
14. Last but one - Penúltimo.
15. Lest you forget - Para que no olvides.
16. Look out! - ¡Cuidado!
17. Make my day - Alégrame el día.
18. Make yourself at home - Siéntete en casa.
19. Maybe - Tal vez.
20. Me neither - Yo tampoco.
21. Meanwhile - Mientras tanto.
22. Moreover - Además.
23. Much to my dismay - Para mi desgracia.
24. My bad - Culpa mía. (USA)
25. My goodness! - ¡Madre mía!

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Expressions IV

1. I am at your beck and call - Estoy a su entera disposición.
2. I don't give a damn - Me importa un bledo.
3. I don't care - No me importa (despectivo).
4. I don't feel like doing it - No tengo ganas.
5. I don't mind - Me da igual.
6. I get the picture - Capto la idea.
7. I go nuts - Se me va la olla.
8. I guess so - Supongo que si.
9. I haven't got the faintest idea - No tengo ni la menor idea.
10. I mean - Quiero decir (para aclarar algo).
11. I put him off - Le di largas.
12. I screwed it up / I messed up / I blew it - La fastidié.
13. I see - Ya veo.
14. If only - Ojalá.
15. If you say so... - Si tú lo dices... 
16. I'm aching all over - Me duele todo.
17. I'm deadstoned - Estoy hecho polvo.
18. I'm freaking out - Me estoy volviendo loco.
19. I'm going to pieces - Estoy hecho polvo (ánimo).
20. I'm gone - Me voy.
21. I'm broke - Estoy sin dinero.
22. I'm pissed off - Estoy cabreado.
23. In a nutshell - En pocas palabras...
24. In fact - De hecho.
25. Inside out - Del revés.
26. Is cutting edge - Es el último grito.
27. Is giving him hell - Le hace la vida imposible.
28. Is water under the bridge - Es agua pasada.
29. It sounds Greek to me - Me suena a chino.
30. It turns out that - Resulta que ....

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Expressions III

1. For God's sake! - Por amor de Dios.
2. For sure! - ¡Por supuesto!
3. For the hell of it - Porque me da la gana.
4. For the love of it - Por amor al arte.
5. For the record - Para que conste.
6. From A to Z - De pe a pa.
7. From hero to zero - Hundirse en la miseria.
8. From now on - De ahora en adelante.
9. From time to time - De vez en cuando.
10. Furthermore - Además.
11. Get off! - ¡Apártate!
12. Get out of my way - Sal de mi vista. 
13. Guess what - Adivina/ ¿A que no sabes qué?
14. Hanging out - Pasando el rato.
15. He gets on my nerves - Me saca de quicio.
16. Hence my surprise - De ahí mi sorpresa.
17. Here you are - Aquí tiene.
18. Hereabouts - Por aquí cerca.
19. High five - Choca esos cinco.
20. How come? - ¿Cómo es eso?
21. Hold your horses - Para el carro.
22. Holy moly - Santo cielo.
23. How embarrasing - ¡Qué vergüenza!
24. How you doing? - ¿Qué hay? / ¿Cómo estás? / ¿Cómo lo llevas?
25 - However - Aún así.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Expressions II

1. Carry on - Continuar.
2. Catch you later - Nos vemos luego.
3. Chat shit - Decir tonterías.
4. Chit chat - Charlar/chismorrear.
5. Check this out - Atento a esto.
6. Cheers - Gracias (coloquial Br)
7. Come hell or high water - Aunque caigan chuzos de punta.
8. Count me in - Cuenta conmigo.
9. Damn! - ¡Maldición!
10. Despite of / In spite of... - A pesar de...
11. Doesn't matter - No importa/ningún problema.
12. Don't get me wrong - No me malinterpretes.
13. Don't make a fool out of myself - No me tomes por tonto.
14. Don't pull my leg/Don't tease me - No me tomes el pelo.
15. Easy-peasy - Chupado/muy fácil.
16. Enough is enough - Ya está bien.
17. Every now and then - De vez en cuando.
18. Fair and square - Como Dios manda.
19. Feel like + gerund - Tener ganas, apetecer (I fell like dancing - Me apetece bailar)
20. Fell like + object - Apetecer algo (I feel like beer - Me apetece una cerveza)

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Expressions I

1. A pain in the neck - Insoportable, muy pesado.
2. A pain in the ass - Molesto, un grano en el culo.
3. A penny for your thoughts - Daría lo que fuera por saber que estás pensando.
4. Actually - De hecho.
5. Again and again - Una y otra vez.
6. Ages ago - Hace siglos.
7. And to top it all - Y encima.../ para rematar...
8. Are you kidding me? - ¿Estás quedándote conmigo? / ¿Estás de coña?
9. As clear as a day - Tan claro como el agua.
10. As for me - Por mi parte.
11. As if... - Más quisieras.
12. As soon as possible (ASAP) - Lo antes posible.
13. At last - Por fin.
14. At least - Al menos.
15. At the end of the day - Al fin y al cabo.
16. Be right back (BRB) - Ahora vuelvo.
17. Bloody hell - ¡Ostras!
18. Bullshit - ¡Mierda!
19. By all means - Por supuesto.
20. By chance - Por casualidad.
21. By heart - De memoria.
22. By hook or by cook - Por las buenas o por las malas.
23. By the skin of my teeth - Por los pelos.
24. By the time - Para cuando...
25. By the way - Por cierto.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2015



1. Stumbling block: the problem point (el punto problemático).
2. To start from scratch: to begin from nothing (empezar de cero).
3. Throw a spanner in the works: caused a difficulty (provocar un problema).
4. Can't get the hang of it: don't know how to make it work (no saber hacerlo funcionar).
5. In a rut: in a dull routine (hacer una rutina).
6. Going round in circles: talking without any progress (darle vueltas al asunto).
7. Caught on the wrong foot: unprepared (desprovistos).
8. Upside down: the wrong way up (del revés).
9. Is in for: is unable to avoid (estar preparado).
10. Scraping the bottom of the barrel: using ideas which are only just of acceptable quality (hacer uso del último recurso).



1. Read between the lines: guess what is left unsaid (leer entre líneas).
2. Keep me posted: make sure i am informed (mantenerse al corriente).
3. Off the top of my head: from memory (por lo que puedo recordar..).
4. Ask point blank: asked directly (preguntar directamente).
5. Speak off the cuff: give a talk without preparation (improvisar).
6. Give me a rundown: give a summary (hacer un resumen).
7. Off the record: not to be published (confidencial).
8. Spilled the beans: admitted something (escaparse un secreto).
9. Drop you a line: write you a letter (escribir).
10. Don't beat about the bush: don't avoid the question (no irse por las ramas).

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

Proverbs in English

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando.
A stitch in time saves nine - Más vale prevenir que curar.
A word is enough to the wise - A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan.
Actions speak louder than words - Los hechos valen más que las palabras.
All cats are grey in the dark - Por la noche todos los gatos son pardos.
All roads lead to Rome - Todos los caminos llevan a Roma.
All that glitters is not gold - No es oro todo lo que reluce.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away - Una manzana al día, el médico te ahorraría.
Appearances are deceptive - Las apariencias engañan.
Barking dogs never bite - Perro ladrador, poco mordedor.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know - Más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer.
Better late than never - Más vale tarde que nunca.
Birds of a feather flock together - Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.
Blood is thicker than water - La sangre es mas espesa que el agua.
Cheap is dear - Lo barato sale caro.
Do what is right, come what may - Haz siempre lo correcto.
Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth - A caballo regalado no le mires los dientes.
Don't pull all your eggs in one basket - No te lo jueges todo a una carta.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise - A quien madruga Dios le ayuda.
Every cloud has a silver lining - No hay mal que por bien no venga.
Every law has its loophole - Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa.
Experience is the mother os knowledge - La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia.
Give a dog a bad name and hang it - Hazte fama y échate a dormir.
Half a loaf is better than none - A falta de pan, buenas son tortas.
Hunt with cats and you catch only rats - Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
In for a penny, in for a pound - De perdidos al río.
It never rains, but it pours - Las desgracias nunca vienen solas.
Let bygones be bygones - Lo pasado, pisado.
Many hands make light work - Muchas manos hacen el trabajo ligero.
More haste, less speed - Vísteme despacio que tengo prisa.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained - Quien no arriesga, no gana.
One man's meat is another man's poison - Para gustos, los colores.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - No hagas a los demás lo que no quieres que te hagan a ti.
Politeness costs nothing - Lo cortés no quita lo valiente.
Rome wasn't built in a day - Roma no se construyó en un día.
Silence gives consent - Quien calla otorga.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree - De tal palo, tal astilla.
The die is cast - La suerte está echada.
The early bird catches the worm - A quien madruga Dios le ayuda.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence - Lo mejor siempre lo tiene el otro.
The shoemaker's son goes always barefoot - En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo.
The straw that broke the camel's back - La gota que colmó el vaso.
There is no use crying over spilt milk -  A lo hecho, pecho.
To an unrequited love, absence and oblivion - A mal amor correspondido, ausencia y olvido.
To call a spade, a spade - Al pan, pan y al vino, vino.
To error is human - Errar es de humanos.
Too many cooks spoil the broth - Muchas manos en un plato hacen un garabato.
Two in distress makes sorrow less - Mal de muchos , consuelo de tontos.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do - Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres.
When one is tired, all beds are good - A buen sueño, no hay mala cama.
When there is a will, there is a way - Querer es poder.
You can't have your cake and eat it too - No se puede tener todo en esta vida.
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours - Hoy por ti y mañana por mí.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

Topics for an oral exam: DAILY LIFE


1. What are some things you do every day?
2. What are some good habits you have?
3. Do you have any bad habits?
4. Can your group give you any advice for your bad habits?
5. What is something you should do every day but you don't?
6. What are some activities you like to do?
7. How much do you exercise every week?
8. What is a successful life? What habits should you have to have a successful life?
9. What three habits will improve your life?
10. What are some habits that can improve your English ability?
11. What is something you do about once a week, month or year?
12. How life-style has changed in the recent days?
13. If you could live anyone's life, which person would you choose?
14. What things would you change in your life to make it better?
15. Can you think of any differences between daily life in your country and another one?

Topics for an oral exam: THE MEDIA


1. Where do you get your news from?
2. How important is it for people to follow the news?
3. Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story more popular?
4. How much do you trust newspapers, tv or news from the internet?
5. Which is the most reliable source of information?
6. What kind of news interest you the most?
7. Do you think the news is too depressing?
8. How has techonology changed the way we consume news?
9. What is the purpose of news companies in society?
10. Should news be more entertaining or informative?
11. Would you ever consider getting a job in the news industry?
12. What do you think about how the news is reported in your country?
13. Are people nowadays more interested in gossip or global news?
14. Do you think it is important to be updated?
15. How the media has changed in the recent years?

Topics for an oral exam: SPORTS


1. What are some sports you like watching?
2. What are some sports you dislike? Why?
3. Would you like to learn how to play a particular sport or activity? Which one?
4. Do you play any sports?
5. Why are sports so popular?
6. Do you know of any interesting or strange sport or activity?
7. What two sports would you like to mix?
8. Do you prefer to watch sports or play them?
9. What do you think is the most dangerous sport?
10. What do you think of athletes making so much money?
11. Do you think there are differences between women and men in sports?
12. Why football is the most famous sport in the world?
13. Do you like winter sports?
14. Would you like to try extreme sports?
15. Do you prefer being part of a team or playing alone?

Topics for an oral exam: SCIENCE & TECH


1. Talk about how technology has changed in your lifetime.
2. What do you think has been the most important invention in the last 100 years?
3. Are there any new gadgets that you really want to get?
4. What do you think will be the next biggest techonological advance?
5. How can countries help to create more inventors?
6. What is your favourite piece of technology you own?
7. How will computers change in the future?
8. Do you think that there will be more or less new innovation in the future?
9. Is there a piece of technology that you really want that doesn't exist?
10. Give some examples of technology that have made the world worse.
11. What do you think is the most important thing that humans have created?
12. Do you think that people will travel outside of our solar system? How will they get there?
13. What are the possibilities of technology in clothing?
14. Is science always a good thing?
15. Do you trust science?
16. What has science done for humankind?
17. What is the future of transportation?
18. Do you like new gadgets or do you prefer to use technology you are confortable with?
19. Do really techonology help people in their lives?
20. Do you think people are addicted to techonology?

Topics for an oral exam: HOUSE


1. Are you a "house and home" person?
2. What is your favourite thing about your home?
3. What is your dream house?
4. What home improvements would you like to make to your home?
5. Do you like being at home alone?
6. Do you like the houses in other countries?
7. What comes to mind when you hear the word "home"?
8. Are you a stay-at-home person or a going-out person?
9. Do/would you like to own your own house?
10. Do you like the location of your home?
11. Do you get jealous of other people's homes?
12. Is there anything you hate about your home?
13. Would you like to work at home?
14. Do you agree that "home is where the heart is"?
15. Would you rather live in a house or an apartment?
16. Would you participate in a tv show to redecorate your house?
17. What makes a house feel like home?
18. Would you like to live in the countryside?
19. What about those "new-age" houses?
20. Describe your house.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Topics for an oral exam: EDUCATION


1. How important do you think education is?
2. Do you think you had a good education?
3. What would the world be like if everyone had access to good education?
4. Does your government really care about education?
5. In which country do you think you can receive the best education? Why?
6. Is the level of education in your country good?
7. What do you think about single-sex education?
8. What would you do to improve the educational system in your country?
9. When does education begin?
10. Would you like to work in education?
11. Is education only an academic issue?
12. What kind of qualifications do you think a government's education minister needs?
13. Is your educational system different from your parents'?
14. What students need to be more efficient?
15. What are the pros and cons of studying in public schools?

Topics for an oral exam: TRAVELLING


1. Do you like travelling?
2. What is "travel" for you?
3. What different kinds of travelling are there?
4. What's the best place you've ever been to?
5. What's the best kind of travelling for you?
6. Would you like to go travelling for a few years non-stop?
7. What are the good and bad things of travelling?
8. Where do you want to travel before you die?
9. What are the pros and cons of travelling in first class and backpacking?
10. Where did you spend your last vacation?
11. What are the benefits of travelling alone?
12. What is the longest journey you have ever made?
13. Would you like to travel to the moon?
14. What would make you wiser - Travel around the world for 10 years or reading 10.000 books?
15. What are the things you always take with you to a trip?

Topics for an oral exam: CINEMA


1. What do you think of when you hear the word "film"?
2. Would you like to work in the film industry?
3. Which film would you like to live in?
4. What's the best film you've ever seen? Why?
5. Do you prefer watching movies at the cinema or on TV?
6. Who is the biggest movie hero ever?
7. Which country makes the best films?
8. Who are your favourite film star? Why?
9. Are movies good for us?
10. Do you think films make people more violent?
11. What film genre do you like the most?
12. What things make a film great?
13. If you could make a movie, what would it be about?
14. Do you prefer to watch a good film, documentary or match?
15. Who do you prefer to watch films? Why?
16. What people do during films that really annoys you?
17. Which is more important, acting or special effects?
18. Do you cry during movies?
19. Is it usual in your country to go to the cinema?
20. What is the worst film you've ever seen? Why?

Topics for an oral exam: ILLNESSES


1. What is the best thing to do to stay healthy?
2. What do you think the worst disease to have would be?
3. Do you consider yourself a healthy person? Why or why not?
4. How often do you exercise?
5. What is your diet like? Do you eat mostly fruits and vegetables?
6. What do you think about the health care system in your country? How could it be improved?
7. People are living longer thanks to medicine. How long would you like to live? How about forever?
8. Are there any diseases like smallpox that you think humans could totally get rid off if we tried?
9. Where do you think the future of medicine will be? Genetics? Cybernetics? Chemistry?
10. What is your opinion about pharmaceutical industry?
11. Would you like to get your genome sequenced?
12. If you could find out that you were at risk to get a certain disease, would you want to know?
13. How would you help african people?
14. Would you like to be a doctor?
15. Have you ever had to be operated on?

Topics for an oral exam: PEOPLE


1. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
2. What do the clothes someone wears say about a person?
3. Is there a part of your appearance that you are very proud of?
4. What is the most interesting haircut you have seen?
5. Have you ever gone through the entire day without noticing something was wrong with your appearance?
6. What kind of things do you do to improve/maintain your appearance?
7. Are there any fashion tends in the past you followed but think are silly looking now?
8. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
9. Have you ever been intimidated by someone's appearance?
10. Do people in your country talk a lot about other people's appearance?
11. Is it rude to tell a person that they need to improve their appearance?
12. What is the most attractive quality in a person?
13. Do you think physique ir more important than personality?
14. What is your best quality?
15. In your opinion, what physical and personal qualities make a person attractive?

Topics for an oral exam: HOLIDAYS


1. What is your favourite holiday? Has it changed since you were a kid?
2. On what holiday do people in your country eat a lot of food?
3. Do you give presents on any holidays?
4. What foreign holidays do you know about?
5. What is the strangest holiday or festival you have heard of?
6. Do you think that all countries have similar holidays?
7. Talk about your best memory from a holiday.
8. What would be your dreamy holidays?
9. Are there any holidays that you really don't like?
10. Do you think your country should have more or less holidays? Why?
11. Does your country have parades during holidays? Have you ever been to a parade?
12. What is the most important holiday?
13. Do you prefer going on holidays alone or with your family?
14. What is the best way for you to go on holidays?
15. What kind of living space do you prefer on holidays?

Topics for an oral exam: WEATHER


1. How many types of natural disaster can you name? Which one is the worst for you?
2. What natural disasters are common in your country?
3. Have you ever been through a natural disaster? Tell us about your experience.
4. What is the best/worst natural disaster film you have seen?
5. Think of 3 natural disasters. What can you do to stay safe during and after those natural disasters?
6. Do you know the difference between a hurricane, a typhoon and a cyclone?
7. Which country has the most natural disasters?
8. Would you ever volunteer to help after a natural disaster hit? If yes, what would you like to volunteer to do? If not, why not?
9. How can technology lessen the damage caused by natural disasters?
10. Can natural disasters be a good thing?
11. What do you think about people who follow tornadoes around to get data, video and photos?
12. Can you think of any country that doesn't have natural disasters?
13. Do you like cold or do you prefer hot climates?
14. Is your city a place where rains a lot?. Have you ever experienced a flood?
15. What is your opinion about global warming? How can we avoid it?

Topics for an oral exam: CRIME


1. What do you think the most common crime in your country is?
2. Should police in your country be stricter or less strict?
3. Is your country a safe country?
4. Have you ever seen a crime?
5. Do you think criminals can change?
6. Is shoplifting common in your country?
7. What kind of people shoplift and what kinds of things do they steal?
8. Does your country have a big organized crime group like "the mafia"?
9. Have you ever met someone from "a mafia"?
10. What is the best way for police to keep neighbourhoods safe?
11. Can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?
12. Do you think your country has a good penal system? Why or why not?
13. How would you change it for better?
14. Is justice in your country egalitarian?
15. You heard about the case of a man who defended his daughter from a rapist. The rapist has died. What is your opinion about the case? What would you do as an inspector?

Topics for an oral exam: FASHION


1. Would you like to be a fashion model? What are their lives like?
2. Could you date someone if they had a terrible sense of fashion?
3. Which country or city is the most fashionable in the world?
4. Is fashion important or not? Why or why not?
5. Do you prefer functional or fashionable clothing?
6. What do you think of the fashion industry?
7. How does fashion affect people's lives?
8. What is some of the silliest fashions you have seen?
9. What is your favourite fashion period?
10. Do you think fashion changed as quickly in the past as today? 
11. If you were a fashion designer, what kind of clothes would you design?
12. Do you think is important to follow the new trend?
13. Why people look for being so trendy? Is fashion important in social life?
14. What does "fashion" means to you?
15. Talking about models. Does the fashion industry impose an exagerate body model or is it a question of society?

Topics for an oral exam: MUSIC & BOOKS


1. Who are your favourite bands or artist?
2. Do you read many books?
3. How often do you listen to music/ read books?
4. Do you usually buy albums online or CD's from the store?
5. Did your parents read to you when you were a child?
6. Have you ever illegally downloaded music/books? Do you think it is OK or not to download?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of books VS films?
8. What kind of music do you listen when you want to dance?
9. What was the last book you read about?
10. What kind of music do you listen when you are sad?
11. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?
12. Do you think music is getting better or worse? Why?
13. If you could only read one more book for your entire life, what would it be?
14. How do you feel about your country's traditional music?
15. Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their books?
16. Should people try to modernize traditional music? Why? How?
17. What are some examples of traditional literature in your country? Did you have to read it at school?
18. What are your favourite type of music? What is your favourite literary genre?
19. What is your opinion about the e-book? Do you prefer paper or new technologies in reading?
20. Should young people read more? Is it disco and literature on fight?

Topics for an oral exam: MONEY


1. Would you prefer to pay in cash or by credit card?
2. Do you usually pay back soon or do you get in debts?
3. In a dinner, do you offer yourself to pay the bill or wait until someone else take their wallet?
4. What is the highest you spend in a shop?
5. Do you mind lending money to family or friends?
6. Do you think is a good idea to mix family and business?
7. Do you use to buy expensive items? Or do you prefer looking for discounts?
8. Would you like to invest your money? What type of investment would you like?
9. What is your opinion about salaries in your country?
10. What about fees in museums? Do you have to pay in your country? Should them be free?
11. What do you think about an only currency?
12. What would you do to improve the economy in your country?
13. What would you do if you win the lottery?
14. Do you think money can change people's behavior?
15. Are you a person who safe money or do you waste it as soon as you can?

Topics for an oral exam: FOOD


1. How often do you cook?
2. How good are you at cooking?
3. What are some things that you can cook?
4. What dish or food are you best at cooking?
5. Do you think you can cook better than your mom?
6. What is the hardest thing to cook? Why?
7. Who is a better cook, your mother or your grandmother?
8. Does your father cook?
9. Are cooking show popular in your country?
10. Do you watch any cooking show?
11. What are some of the advantages of cooking your meals at home? How about the disadvantages?
12. Would you like to be a chef? Why or why not?
13. Is it importnat for husbands to know how to cook?
14. Who is the ebst cook you know?
15. If you had your own personal chef, what meal would you ask for most?
16. How hard is it to become a chef? What do you have to do to become a chef?
17. What about fast food? Is is popular in your country? Is it good?
18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the carry-out food? Is it better than the home-made meals?
19. What do you think a healthy diet is?
20. Do people nowadays eat healthy?

jueves, 25 de junio de 2015

Topics for an oral exam: FAMILY


1. How do members of a family support each other?
2. Who do you think has the most power in the family? Why?
3. Do you agree with the saying "Children should be seen and not heard"? Why do you agree or disagree?
4. What is more important, good family members or good friends? Why?
5. What problems do parents have to solve as their children grow up?
6. How close are you to your extented family? (cousins, aunts, greatparents..)
7. What is the perfect number of children a family should have?
8. What do you think of people who marry and decide not to have children?
9. How do you think western families and eastern families differ?
10. What do you think is the most important thing to make a family happy?
11. Is it better for mothers to stay at home with kids or to go to work to earn more money for the family?
12. Many families send their children to private institutes or daycares for most of the day. Is this good or bad for you?
13. How do you define the word "home"?
14. When married people talk about having children they talk about "starting a family". Can two married people be a family if the don't have kids?
15. How do you think family life is changing in your country? Is this change good or bad?
16. What do you think of gay marriage?
17. Is hitting a good way to discipline children? Why or why not?
18. What age is too young to get married?
19. Why do people get married?
20. If you were offered an excellent job abroad could you leave your family and country for 5 years?

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015

50 Phrasal Verbs

Break down – to fall apart; to have a physical or mental collapse; to itemize; to

Bring about – to make something happen.

Bring back – to return; to return to consciousness.

Bring in – to yield as profit or income; to present (for consideration) formally; to
submit. (Also literal.)

Bring up – to mention a person or thing; to raise a child; to vomit; to (cause to) stop

Come back –to (have) return(ed) to one’s origin/previous location; to retort; a
return success

Come down- to drop; to descend to someone through inheritance; to attack/scold
vigorously. (Also literal.)

Come in – to receive or acquire something. (Also literal.)

Come on – to hurry up; to follow; to flirt aggressively

Come out – to become; to turn out; to be presented/released to the public. (Also

Come up – to happen unexpectedly. (Also literal.)

Carry on – to continue with something; to make a great fuss over sby or sth; to cry
and become out of control about sby or sth.

Carry out – to perform a task or an assignment.

Get back – to return; to repay one for a bad deed; to continue communicating with
someone at a later time.

Get on – to make progress; to agree or be friendly; to advance in age. (Also literal.)

Get out – to get free/away; to produce or complete.

Get up – to arise; to ascend

Give up – to quit; to surrender; to abandon hope

Go in – to take part in something; to make an approach, as before an attack. (Also

Go off – to explode; to leave; to happen (as planned). 

Go back – to return to one’s origin/previous location; to break a promise

Go down – to be accepted; to happen. (Also literal.)

Go on – continue

Go out – to try out for something (usually sports); to go out of fashion; to go out
with someone for entertainment; to date someone. (Also literal.)

Go up – to increase; happening; to be in the process of construction. (Also literal).

Find out - discover; learn of; to discover facts about someone or something; to learn
a fact

Hold up –to rob someone; to offer; to expose; to support; to hinder; to wait. (Also

Look back – to review past events; to return in thought. (Also literal.)

Look down – to regard with disdain or scorn; have contempt for. (Also literal.) 

Look up – to search for information; to become more prosperous. (Also literal.)

Make up – to put makeup on oneself; to repay or redo something; to create a story
or a lie from no facts at all; to compensate for 

Pick up – to clean/to learn/obtain/ to go faster

Point out – to select or indicate someone or something (from a group).

Put down- to write down, record; to attribute; to mercifully kill an animal.

Put out – irritated, bothered; to extinguish; to publish; to exert/apply.

Put up – to provide lodging for someone; to display or show; to offer something; to
build/erect something.

Set off – to cause to be ignited/exploded; to anger someone; to begin. 

Set out – to begin a journey or course; to define/describe; to design/plan; to

Set up – to organize

Sit down – to encamp or besiege. (Also literal.)

Take on – to undertake/assume; to employ; to acquire; to show great emotion.

Take out – to take someone on a date; something made to be taken away (as in
food)/a restaurant that performs this service. (Also literal.)

Take over –to take charge; to assume control

Take off – to leave the ground and begin to fly; to become popular and successful; to
begin to chase something; to take a break from something; to withdraw or remove
from; to deduct.

Take back – to withdraw or cancel one’s statements; to regain ownership; to cause
to remember. (Also literal.) 

Take up – to accept someone’s offer; to begin to deal with an issue; to shorten a
skirt, dress or pants.

Turn out – to end satisfactorily; to send someone out of somewhere; to
manufacture/produce something; to be present/attend; to turn off/extinguish

Turn up – to appear; to search for and find something; to intensify or increase; to

Work out – to settle/solve a problem; to turn out/to happen. (Also literal).

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Phrasal Verbs: BE


Be about to - Be on the point of doing something (Estar próximo a algo): "He's about to leave Spain"
Be after - Search for (Andar detrás de algo): "I am after the truth of this problem"
Be against - Be opposed to (Estar en contra): "He's against bullying"
Be along - Arrive (Llegar): "The next bus will be along in the next hour or so"
Be away - Be far from a place (Estar fuera, ausentado): "Sheila is away for the weekend"
Be back - Have returned after an absence (Volver): "Mr. Barter will be back in half an hour"
Be behind with - Be late with (Estar atrasado): "You are really behind with your rent"
Be down- Being depressed (Estar bajo de ánimo): "He's being down since his partner left him"
Be down to sb - Be sb's decision (Ser responsabilidad de alguien): "It's down to me to find a job"
Be down with - Be ill (Estar malo): "Steve is down with some bug. He won't come to work"
Be for - Be in favour of (Estar por algo a favor): "He's about to leave Spain"
Be fed up - Be bore, sick of something (Estar harto): "I am fed up of your complaints"
Be in - Be at home or at work (Estar en casa ): "They're never in. I always get their answerphone"
Be off - Be free from duty (Estar libre de obligaciones): "He promised to see me when he was off"
           - Go away (Irse, estar ausente): "She is off now. Call her later"
           - Have gone bad (Estropearse): "The milk is off; throw it away"
           - Be cancelled (Cancelarse): "The meeting for tonight is now off"
Be on - Be on duty (Estar con obligaciones): "They are on from 2pm to 6pm"
           - Agree (Estar de acuerdo): "We are swimming soon. Are you on?"
Be onto - Pursue (Perseguir): "He's very careful because the police is onto him"
Be out - Be away from home (Estar fuera e casa): "Mrs. Dennys is out at the moment"
            - Be mistaken, wrong (Estar equivocado): "The thief was out in the plan. He was caught"
            - Be published (Publicarse): "The book is already out"
Be out of - Have finished (Quedarse sin): "We are out of sugar and coffee. We need to go shopping"
Be over - Be finished (Acabarse): "The storm is over now"
Be up - Have risen (Levantarse): "She won't be up till 11am today"
           - Be happening (Estar pasando): "What's up?"
           - Be finished (Terminarse): "Time is up! Bring your exams"
Be up to - Be busy (Estar ocupado): "Mat is very quiet. Go and see what he is up to"
               - Feel able to (Sentirse dispuesto y capaz): "I'm not up to dealing with this issue again"
               - Be someone's responsibility (Ser responsable): "It is up to you to teach your children"


lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Illnesses & Diseases


Acne - Acné
Aids - Sida
Allergy - Alergia
Anemia - Anemia
Appendicitis - Apendicitis
Asthma - Asma
Backache - Dolor de espalda
Bleeding - Pérdida de sangre
Broken ... - ... roto
Cancer - Cáncer
Chickenpox - Varicela
Cold - Resfriado
Concussion - Conmoción cerebral
Constipation - Estreñimiento
Cough - Tos
Depression - Depresión
Diarrhea - Diarrea
Dry skin - Piel reseca
Ezcema - Eccema
Earache - Dolor de oído
Epidemic - Epidemia
Fever - Fiebre
Fracture - Fractura
Headache - Dolor de cabeza
Heart attack - Ataque cardíaco
Hemorrhage - Hemorragia
Hiccups - Hipo
Infection - Contagio / infección
Inflamation - Inflamación
Insect bite - Picadura de insecto
Insomnia - Insomnio
Jaundice - Ictericia
Leprosy - Lepra
Leukemia - Leucemia
Measles - Sarampión
Miscarriage - Aborto espontáneo
Mumps - Paperas
Rabies - Rabia
Shivers - Escalofríos
Smallpox - Viruela
Sore throat - Garganta inflamada
Stomachache - Dolor de estómago
Stress - Estrés
Stroke - Ataque / Apoplejía
Sunburn - Quemadura solar
Sunstroke - Insolación
The flu / Influenza - Gripe
Toothache - Dolor de dientes
Ulcer - Úlcera
Vomit - Vómito / Vomitar
Redness - Rojez
Tenderness - Sensibilidad
Pimple - Grano
Boil - Forúnculo
Burn - Quemadura
Skin irritation - Piel irritada
Skin inflamation - Inflamación
Wart - Verruga
Psoriasis - Psoriasis (dermatosis crónica)
Dandruff - Caspa
Slipt ends - Puntas abiertas
Baldness - Calvicie
Nearsightedness - Miopía
Farsightedness - Hipermetropía
Astigmatism - Astigmatismo
Crossed eyes - Estrabismo
Conjunctivitis - Conjuntivitis
Retinal detachment - Desprendimiento de retina
Cataract - Cataratas
Glaucoma - Glaucoma (aumento de la presión intraocular)
Blindness - Ceguera
Color-blindness - Ceguera de color
Sty - Orzuelo
Wax blockage - Tapón de cera
Hearing loss - Pérdida de audición
Ruptured eardrum - Rotura de tímpano
Otitis - Otitis (inflamación del oído)
Nosebleed - Sangrado de nariz
Runny nose - Moqueo
Stuffy nose - Congestión
Rhinitis - Rinitis (inflamación de la mucosa en las fosas nasales)
Allergic rhinitis - Rinitis alérgica
Hay fever - Fiebre del heno (Alergia al polen)
Sinusitis - Sinusitis (inflamación de los senos del cráneo)
Tonsillitis - Amigdalitis (inflamación de las amigdalas)
Pharyngitis - Faringitis (inflamación de la faringe)
Laryngitis - Laringitis (inflamación de la laringe)
Bronchitis - Bronquitis (inflamación de los bronquios)
Pneumonia - Neumonía (inflamación de los espacios alveolares de los pulmones)
Atherosclerosis - Arteroesclerosis (endurecimiento de las arterias)
Hypertension - Hipertensión
High blood pressure - Presión sanguínea alta
Coronary heart disease - Afección coronaria
Heart disease - Afección cardíaca
Heart failure - Fallo cardíaco
Cardiac arrest - Paro cardíaco
Varicose veins - Venas varicosas
Thrombophlebitis - Tromboflebitis (formación de trombos en las venas)
Internal bleeding - Hemorragia interna
Hemophilia - Hemofilia (deficiencia de coagulación de la sangre)
Migraine - Migraña
Dizziness - Mareo
Giddiness - Aturdimiento
Vertigo - Vertigo
Fainting spell - Desmayo / Desvanecimiento
Neuralgia - Neuralgia (dolor continuo de los nervios)
Meningitis - Meningitis (inflamación de las meninges)
Epilepsy - Epilepsia
Convulsions - Convulsiones
Seizure - Ataque epiléptico
Paralysis - Parálisis
Cerebral palsy - Parálisis cerebral
Dementia - Demencia
Vitamin/Mineral deficiency - Deficiencia de vitaminas/minerales
Obesity - Obesidad
To be overweight - Tener sobrepeso
Weight loss - Pérdida de peso
Anorexia - Anorexia
Bulimia - Bulimia
Heartburn - Ardor de estómago
Indigestion - Indigestión
Dyspepsia - Dispepsia (digestión laboriosa e imperfecta)
Upset stomach - Malestar estomacal
Gastritis - Gastritis (inflamación del estómago)
Ulcer - Úlcera
Gastroenteritis - Gastroenteritis (inflamación estomacal y de los intestinos)
Colitis - Colitis (inflamación del colon)
Appendicitis - Apendicitis (inflamación del apéndice)
Hemorrhoids - Hemorroides
Dysentery - Disentería (diarrea con pujos y mezcla de sangre)
Cholera - Cólera (enfermedad epidémica con vómitos repetidos y diarrea suave)
Hepatitis - Hepatitis (inflamación del hígado)
Cirrhosis - Cirrosis (atrofia del hígado)
Gallstones - Cálculos biliares
Cholecystitis - Colecistitis (inflamación de la vesícula biliar)
Pyelonephritis - Pielonefritis (inflamación de los riñones por infección bacteriana)
Kidney stones - Piedras en el riñón
Cystitis - Cistitis (inflamación de la vejiga)
Scoliosis - Escoliosis
Osteoporosis - Osteoporosis
Arthritis - Artritis (inflamación de articulaciones)
Muscle spasm - Espamo muscular
Muscle cramp - Tirón muscular
Muscular dystrophy - Distrofia muscular
Hernia - Hernia
Trauma - Trauma/Traumatismo
Contusion - Contusión
Slipped disc - Hernia de disco
Prolapsed disc - Prolapso (caída o desplazamiento de un órgano)
Dislocation - Dislocación / Luxacion
Sprain - Esguince / Torcedura
Pulled muscle - Desgarro muscular
Tuberculosis - Tuberculosis
Tetanus - Tétanos
Yellow fever - Fiebre amarilla (Enfermedad endémica producida por un virus a través de mosquitos)
Typhoid - Tifus
Anthrax - Ántrax
Leprosy - Lepra
Rubella - Rubeola
Whooping cough / Pertussis - Tos ferina (Tos convulsiva muy intensa)
Diphtheria - Difteria
Polio - Polio
Scarlet fever - Fiebre escarlata (Fiebre eruptiva de color rojo subido)
Tapeworm - Tenia / Solitaria
Pinworm - Lombriz
Hookworm - Anquilostoma
Roundworm - Ascáride (Lombriz intestinal)
Scabies - Sarna
Lice - Piojos
Fleas - Pulgas
Ticks - Garrapatas
Malaria - Malaria
Diabetes - Diabetes
Disorders of the pituitary gland/thyroid gland - Desorden de la glándula pituitaria/tiroides
Benign/Malignant tumor - Tumor benigno/maligno
Phobia - Fobia
Schizophrenia - Esquizofrenia
Alcohol/Drug abuse - Abuso de alcohol/drogas
Alcohol/Drug addiction - Alcoholismo/Drogadicción
Deaf - Sordera

Bruise - Moretón
Bump - Chichón
Burn - Quemadura
Corn - Callo
Cut - Corte
Injury - Lesión
Itch - Picazón
Rash - Sarpullido
Scar - Cicatriz
Scratch - Rasguño
Swelling - Hinchazón
Wound - Herida